Subject Leader: Miss M Thompson
At Milton Primary Academy, our aim is to prepare children with the substantive and disciplinary knowledge needed to be active participants in an ever-changing digital world. We will therefore offer opportunities for them to develop the knowledge, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive in a world increasingly dependent on computing. They will use the internet in a safe and respectful way, understanding the necessary precautions to take in order to stay safe and knowing where to seek help. Children at Milton Primary Academy will be digitally literate – able to use a range of media to express themselves and develop ideas through information technology.
At Milton Primary Academy, we aim to provide a computing curriculum that is creative, inclusive, challenging and inspired by the real-world.
We follow the programme of study devised by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE), which is funded by the Department for Education (DfE), and fully meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and National Curriculum. It is enriched through the use of high-quality resources, programmes and software.
Our curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
During the teaching of each curriculum objective, teachers formatively assess the work produced by the children and this helps them to monitor and plan for progression. In lessons, children are given verbal feedback to inform them of their progress and this provides an opportunity for teachers to address any misconceptions or errors that children may encounter.
At the end of each unit of learning, teachers also make a summative judgement relating to the children’s knowledge and understanding of the content taught, in line with the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Children may also be asked to complete a short summative assessment, which will include questions based on the learning they have recently completed. This information is recorded online, allowing leaders to track and monitor the progress and attainment of individuals as they make their way through the school.