At Milton Primary, we strongly believe in listening to all our stakeholders. Parents are a crucial part of a child’s education and the wider success of our school, and the views of pupils are a valuable perspective on the quality of the educational experience that we provide.
We love to receive feedback, whether it is to tell us about all the positive things we are doing, or to highlight areas where we can be even better. We use this feedback, combined with feedback from staff and members of the wider community, to inform our decisions and to make Milton Primary the best school it can possibly be.
My child loves coming to school. He is so happy in class and gets sad when it's half term or the weekend. He always comes out bursting to tell me what he's been doing.
Over the past few years, the school has improved immensely. The staff are great and an absolute credit to Milton Primary.
The school is supportive and encourages parental involvement which is fantastic.
All of the staff have happy smiling faces and are approachable if you need to speak to them. Seeing senior staff outside meeting and greeting and chatting to the children and parents really makes a difference and gives off a good energy about the school.
The school strikes a great balance between emotional and social wellbeing and academia. There is a great sense of community and belonging and the enthusiasm of the staff is fantastic.
Comments taken from the whole school questionnaire in July 2022.
There are many opportunities both at the start and end of a school day to provide feedback or speak to a member of staff.
Each morning, members of the leadership team, welfare team and some class teachers are always available to speak to when children are dropped off at school. These staff members can be found at the Leek Road or Bagnall Road gate, or on the doors where children enter the school building.
The children are dismissed from the playground at the end of the day by their class teacher or teaching support assistant. This is a good opportunity to quickly mention something relating to your child. If doing so, please ensure that the class teacher or teaching assistant has safely dismissed all children in their care before speaking to them.
Sometimes you may wish to discuss an issue in more depth and we would ask you to either talk directly to your child’s class teacher to arrange an appointment, or contact the school office who will be more than happy to arrange a mutually convenient appointment time.